Reunion Roadmap 8/21/2021 – highlighting The Ebenezer Home

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Stepping out in faith applies at all stages of life. This is something we learn from David Phillips and Samantha LaGoy as they relate the very big step of faith the Ebenezer Home is taking to expand their care for the elderly saints who make their residence at this special place in Haifa, Israel. It’s more than a matter of simply believing what God says, but acting on that belief as a participant in the Almighty’s Covenant.

What our guests share in this show is an example of “Reciprocity of Covenant,” the topic our Elders David Jones and Barry Phillips discuss. It’s also an aspect of our identity in Messiah Yeshua, which we hear in the music of Eved Adonai and Jimmie Black.

To learn more about the Ebenezer Home, visit the website at

Click here to listen and download: Reunion Roadmap 210821 

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