Reunion Roadmap 8/14/2021 – highlighting The Ebenezer Home

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How do we carry out God’s command to honor our parents when they reach their elder years? David Phillips and Samantha LaGoy share how that commandment is carried out at the Ebenezer Home, Israel’s only residence for elderly followers of Yeshua. In this two-part interview, they share how the Ebenezer Home has continued to meet Covid pandemic has continued to meet the needs of residents and their families even in the Covid pandemic, and their great expectations for the future.

The music of House of Aaron and Solomon Lopez highlight the topics covered in this show from our visit with David and Samantha as well as the midrash from David Jones and Barry Phillips which they call, “Kingdom People Kingdom Benefit.”

To learn more about the Ebenezer Home, visit the website at

Click here to listen and download: Reunion Roadmap 210814

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