If you have teenagers in your life, then you probably know it is difficult sometimes to communicate effectively with them. Is there a way to know how to connect with young people? Pete Wilson will tell he doesn’t have all the answers, but in his leadership of the youth ministry at Founded in Truth Fellowship, he has found some things that have worked well – such as Fight the New Drug (https://fightthenewdrug.org/), a program he has used to help teens who struggle with pornography. That’s one of the things we learned about in this second part of our three-part interview with him.
A big part of Pete’s success is in meeting teenagers where they are. This is an aspect of what Barry Phillips and David Jones discuss in their midrash called, “Self-Centered or Yah-Centered?” That’s also something we hear in this show’s musical offerings from Eved Adonai and Gregory Brown.
To find out more about Founded in Truth, visit the website at: https://foundedintruth.com/.
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