Heroic, Hopeful, or Wishful Thinking?

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BFB210411 King Leonidas Statue 1968
King Leonidas of Sparta, hero of the Battle of Thermopylae. (Photo: Dan McLean, June 4, 2005, via flickr.com.)

It’s easy to be optimistic in the good times, or even in the moderately bad times, but what about when the world as we know it is coming to an end? 

Judges 7:19-22, 8:10; Job 1:21, 13:14-16; John 6:66-69

Click here to listen to the podcast: Heroic, Hopeful, or Wishful Thinking?

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Music: “Ben Hur,” Marc Reift, Philharmonic Wind Orchestra & Marc Reift Orchestra, 87 Greatest Hits for Concert Band, Marcophone, 2014.

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