Choosing life rather than death sounds simple enough. Who would have a problem making such an obvious choice? But is it really that simple when the choice we make concerns the intrinsic value of another human being – especially when that person is someone whose value may be questionable in our eyes?
This coming week, 9-15 February 2025 (11-17 Shevat 5785), the Bible reading plan covers Yitro (Jethro). 09 Feb Exodus 18:1-12 2 Kings 17:1-41 Luke 14:1-24
So Many Chickens
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Choosing life rather than death sounds simple enough. Who would have a problem making such an obvious choice? But is it really that simple when the choice we make concerns the intrinsic value of another human being – especially when that person is someone whose value may be questionable in our eyes?
Proverbs 14:28; John 8:42-44; James 1:26-2:13
Click here to listen to the podcast: So Many Chickens
Click here to download the transcript: So Many Chickens.pdf
Music: “Yellow Rose of Texas,” Mantovani and His Orchestra, Mantovani Magic, Columbia River Entertainment, 2000.
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Weekly Bible Reading For February 9-15: Yitro (Jethro)
This coming week, 9-15 February 2025 (11-17 Shevat 5785), the Bible reading plan covers Yitro (Jethro). 09 Feb Exodus 18:1-12 2 Kings 17:1-41 Luke 14:1-24
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