Reunion Roadmap 12/26/2020 – with Special Guest Bob O’Dell

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What is the connection between restoration and reconciliation? We have some commentary on that question in this show, starting with the third part of our visit with Bob O’Dell. His ideas are woven into fabric of his new book, Five Years With Orthodox Jews: How Connecting With God’s People Unlocks Understanding of God’s Word. New understanding of God’s word is only part of Bob’s journey. Along the way he has had some practical experience in reconciliation with our Jewish brethren .

Barry Phillips and David Jones continue the investigation with a midrash they have called, “Reconciliation or Restoration,” and we have more illustrations of these two concepts with the music of House of Aaron and Mason Clover. Come with an open mind and heart to hear what our Father is saying on the subject!

Bob O’Dell’s book, Five Years With Orthodox Jews: How Connecting With God’s People Unlocks Understanding of God’s Word, is available in paperback and Kindle at Amazon.

Click here to listen to the podcast: Reunion Roadmap 12/26/2020 – B’ney Yosef North America

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