Reunion Roadmap 11/28/2020 – with Special Guest MelanEE Lisa Davidson

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We probably won’t arrive at the place where God has finished working on us while we’re still in this life. His finished work is something we can anticipate when all is restored in the Kingdom. The real question, though, is whether we’ll finish this race better than we started!

MelanEE Lisa Davidson would tell you she’s not even close to where her Heavenly Papa want her, but she has made tremendous progress thanks to His love and grace – and a large measure of patience. The fact that she can tell her story and use her life’s experience to help others indicates just how much progress she has made. That’s what we hear about in this conclusion of our visit with her, along with the music of Mason Clover and Kelly Ferrari Mills.

Check out MelanEE’s memoir, Loved. I. Am! One Woman’s Journey of Shattering Shame Through Experiencing PAPA’S Great Love!, available at Amazon. Also check out her website at

Click here to listen to the podcast: Reunion Roadmap 11/28/2020 – B’ney Yosef North America

Mark Webb is back in this show to continue his midrash discussion with Barry Phillips about signs in the stars. You can hear and see both parts of their discussion, “The Heavens Declare,” on Barry’s YouTube channel, Remnant of Yisrael:

In this midrash, Mark refers to the following star charts depicting the constellations on December 14, 2020, and January 20 and February 10, 2021:



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