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Do you need a reason to be thankful? How about be thankful for the simple things we all have in common – such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, according to Thomas Jefferson. That first item on the list is on my mind a lot right now as I consider the trials 2020 has brought to us all.

This year I discovered Saveafox Rescue, an organization based in Minnesota that exists to rescue foxes and other animals from fur farms and other endangering situations. Thanks to these wonderful people, these creatures have a chance at happy lives with a greater measure of freedom than they would otherwise have known. Mikayla at Saveafox posts videos frequently, and these have become little joys in my week. Finnegan Fox, in particular, has become my favorite YouTube star!

Why am I sharing this? Because we all desperately need some good things to be thankful for right now. I don’t know much about the people at Saveafox. We probably disagree on many things, but from what I’ve seen we share this: love of life, and compassion for others (people and critters) who share this planet with us. With that in mind, here are some of the Saveafox videos that made me smile a lot, cry a bit, and keep things in perspective.

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