Reunion Roadmap 8/29/2020 – with Special Guest Marcus Bowman

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Is there a spiritual dimension to commerce? Since the Bible has much to say about money and fair business dealings, we can say yes to that question. But how might the people of God use the tools of commerce to build relationships and communities? 

This is what we asked Marcus Bowman as we concluded our visit with him. As BYNA’s Finance Director, Marcus has given much thought to these questions, and he has some inspiring ideas. He also has some wise observation on how to preserve and maintain loving relationships with family and friends who may not share our same Hebraic understanding of scripture.   

Will Spires and Mason Clover return to provide musical illustrations to the midrash by Barry Phillips and David Jones as they conclude their discussion of “Honey on the Ground.”

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Reunion Roadmap 8/29/2020 – B’ney Yosef North America

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