Reunion Roadmap 8/22/2020 – with Special Guest Marcus Bowman

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What is the right way to deal with changes in our perceptions of the world that seem to conflict with the perceptions we have held all our lives – and which our families and friends still hold? 

This is a question the Torah Awakening among Christians has caused multitudes to consider, including Marcus Bowman. In this second part of our conversation with him, Marcus walks us through the process he and his wife, Michelle, experienced as they became aware of some things in scripture that they had not seen in their upbringing.   

Barry Phillips and David Jones share the first part of their midrash discussion on a topic they call, “Honey on the Ground.” Mason Clover and Jimmie Black are our musical guests, punctuating the midrash with two songs of God’s people crying out for revival.

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Reunion Roadmap 8/22/2020 – B’ney Yosef North America

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