The Barking Fox blog entered the world on December 31, 2013, with a post entitled “Silent Night in September.” That post presented an opinion about the date of Messiah Yeshua’s birth, which I still believe to be at the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in the fall. We may never answer the question of Jesus’ birthday to everyone’s satisfaction, but that post and the 643 others that followed not only served as way markers for my spiritual journey, and to my great joy seem to have helped others along the way. But as with all good (and bad) things, it is time for The Barking Fox to come to an end.
Sort of.
Well, it’s still going to be up on the internet thanks to a very generous deal from WordPress on annual renewal of domain names, but you’re probably not going to see a lot of activity – certainly not nearly as much as during the first four years, when new posts came about twice a week. The reason is not that I have run out of ideas. Our Heavenly Father continues to inspire me daily, but the inspiration is now coming out in other venues.
The Barking Fox began as an vehicle for sharing what I had learned in years of contemplative prayer, Bible study, and life experience. I hoped to connect with people through this blog, but did not expect such splendid results! Now I am blessed to be networked with fellow Christian and Jewish travelers of many streams from every inhabited continent (and maybe even Antarctica if we count my friend Russell, who has deployed there many times!) Those networks run through ministries, organizations, and congregations where I am glad to contribute my own humble gifts to the synergy created by collaboration among lots of dedicated, highly talented people.
This brings up what may be the key lesson of this six-year experiment: we are all best served when working in collaboration with others. My lone voice, for example, reaches only a few dozen people across the planet, but when joined with others, our efforts are multiplied to far greater effect.
That is why The Barking Fox is now a secondary effort. You’ll still see new posts, but not many crafted specifically for this blog. Instead, you’ll see articles, videos, and podcasts created in collaboration with wonderful people from several amazing organizations. Of course, you don’t have to wait for my contributions to be posted on this blog! Why not visit their websites right now? They are –
B’ney Yosef North America (https://bneyyosefna.com/)
Founded In Truth Messianic Congregation (https://foundedintruth.com/)
Fostering the Family (https://www.fosteringthefamily.org/)
Nations 9th of Av (https://9-av.com/)
Prayer Surge Now (http://prayersurgenow.blogspot.com/)
Each of these ministries and organizations has a specific purpose in the multi-faceted work of redemption our God initiated millennia ago with His call to Abraham and Sarah. I hope you will take a look, and maybe even see if there’s something in one or more of them that resonates with you.
Thank you to everyone who has visited The Barking Fox, and especially to those who have followed along on this journey (even out of sheer curiosity). The journey is not by any means complete!
© Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog, 2014-2020. Permission to use and/or duplicate original material on The Barking Fox Blog is granted, provided that full and clear credit is given to Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.