Want to know what’s happening with B’ney Yosef North America? Come to the 2017 Summit in Mesa, Arizona, and find out! Registration is now open at this link:
Here are the important details:
- What: B’ney Yosef North America 2017 Summit Conference
- When: February 12-14, 2017
- Where: Mesa, Arizona, at the Phoenix Marriott Mesa
- Register now to get the Early Registration rate of $200 per person, which includes conference materials and meals. Rates go up after December 31.
- Lodging: Summit participants will be able to reserve a room at the Phoenix Marriott Mesa for a special conference rate of $139 per night.
Why should you come to the 2017 Summit? This is the annual meeting for B’ney Yosef North America, where you will hear about progress in raising awareness of our Hebrew identity and helping connect our emerging people. A big part of this will be reports from the recent Second B’ney Yosef National Congress in Israel, as well as presentations from a number of special speakers who have a heart for the restoration of all Israel. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to meet and network with fellow Hebrews from many places in Canada and the United States!
Look for announcements on the Summit program and speakers soon, but don’t wait to register since space is limited!