News About the Second B’ney Yosef National Congress

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The First B’ney Yosef National Congress convened nearly a year and a half ago, at the end of May 2015.  That means it is about time that we should hear news of the Second Congress.  Since the beginning of this year we have known that the Second Congress would take place October 26-31 at the Eshel Hashomron Hotel in Ariel, Israel.  Now, at last, planning has begun!  The following post is from Etz B’ney Yosef, the official site of the Congress.  Here are details on the direction this historic gathering will take as Ephraimites from around the world assemble to consider the next steps in the global awakening of Israel’s northern tribes.

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Second B’ney Yosef National Congress

Wednesday evening, October 26, through Sunday evening, October 30, 2016

Originally published on Etz B’ney Yosef

BFB160816 Families LogoThe purpose of last year’s (our first) B’ney Yosef National Congress was to explore ideas on how to reconstitute ourselves as the nation (stick) of Yosef (Ephraim) prior to attempting to unite with Judah. (See Ezekiel 37:15-38)  If you attended last year’s Congress, then you can attest to the fact that YHVH was certainly present at the gathering and that we were all greatly blessed by the experience.  Although there were many outcomes from the meeting, two of the most important were:

  • For the restoration of the House of Yosef to proceed, we must first have a change of heart.  Ephraim must repent of the desire to rule the house of Jacob; he must humbly return as a servant and not aspire to a kingly position.  His role is a New Covenant “priestly” one, to bring righteousness to the House of YHVH/Jacob through the New Covenant established by his High Priest and Redeemer, Yeshua the Messiah.
  • We must approach one another as well as our brother Judah in true humility, recognizing our position as the Prodigal Son who is being graciously received by his Father (Luke 15:11-32).  We need to see our position through the eyes of our brother, who has a long list of grievances against us which need to be forgiven.

The ripple effect of last year’s Congress cannot be ignored.  As mentioned above, there were very positive responses and outcomes, but also negative ones which came to the fore, accentuating real problems that exist within the Ephraimite community.  Hence, we believe that during this coming gathering we should examine our hearts through the lenses of relevant scriptures, and hear what the Spirit is saying to the “kehila of Israel’s Northern house” regarding those matters that historically and currently are still at work, as well as discover together where Abba is at in the process of the re-gathering.  We definitely do not want to lag behind, but also not to run ahead of Him.

The theme of this year’s Congress is:

Family Reunion

Last year we met many of our brothers from the House of Yosef for the first time and found out we were related!  God has miraculously called us to be part of His family.  This year, we need to get to know our family members better and strengthen our personal relationships so that we can begin to come together as a nation.

Here is a list of some of the topics we will explore at the Second B’ney Yosef National Congress:

  • Ephraim’s history that led to their expulsion from the land and their divorce from YHVH
  • Trace the path that led to the Northern Kingdom’s sin and examine the root cause
  • Discuss how to repent of these acts and if necessary do it
  • Examine defining moments in the life of Israel as a nation and as a people
  • Examine Ephraim’s role as a priesthood
  • Learn about our relatives spread throughout the world
  • Hear reports of B’ney Yosef activities from the various countries represented
  • Compare notes, learning what works and what doesn’t

There will be presenters for each main topic and then breakout round table discussion and/or prayer sessions.

If you sense that Elohim is calling you to be an active participant in the restoration of the northern kingdom of Israel, the House of Yosef, this Second B’ney Yosef National Congress may be beneficial and meaningful for you.

If you are interested please contact:

Committed to the Restoration of the Whole House of Israel

Source: Etz B’ney Yosef – Congress

© Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog, 2016.  Permission to use and/or duplicate original material on The Barking Fox Blog is granted, provided that full and clear credit is given to Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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