THE WAY is available for preorder!

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There is BIG news for the Messianic/Hebrew Roots movement! The long-awaited documentary by Luke and Kayte Abaffy is now available for preorder!

“The Way, The Truth & The Life: Leaving Churchianity Live Like the Savior” will be released on August 14, 2016. To order copies now, visit the web page at

Not sure what “The Way” is about? Check out the newly-released official trailer. . .


. . .and then order two DVDs – one for yourself, and one for a friend.

© Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog, 2016.  Permission to use and/or duplicate original material on The Barking Fox Blog is granted, provided that full and clear credit is given to Albert J. McCarn and The Barking Fox Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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