Forty-nine years ago, as America led the West in the self-indulgent Summer of Love, Israel was fighting for its life in the Six Day War. The outcomes could not have been more distinct: the United States emerged from the summer of 1967 in a downward spiritual, social, economic, political, and military spiral that has yet to hit bottom, while Israel emerged not only victorious over its far more powerful and populous Arab neighbors, but in possession of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the Golan, Gaza, and Sinai. The fortunes of Israel have risen higher ever since, even in the face of mounting opposition from every nation on earth.
This is not to say that the State of Israel is by any means perfect or entirely good, but rather that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has not forgotten the Jewish people, and continues to keep His covenant with them and with all Israel for His Name’s sake. That is the point of Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel’s video on the Six Day War, released by Israel Video Network on June 5, 2016 to mark the 49th anniversary of the beginning of the greatest military victory in Israel’s modern history.
If you don’t think miracles are real, then you better watch this and think again. . .
Source: The best video on the Six Day War you will ever see