News and End Times Commentary

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Daniel Holdings 01Daniel Holdings, Author. This native Californian says that he “just woke up” a few years ago and experienced a “paradigm shift” in his thinking.  That awakening made him deeply aware of the imminent and dangerous transition that is about to befall the United States and the World.  Events have brought mankind to the pinnacle of history.  Whether it’s a certain global financial collapse, a Sun going wild, UFOs, an interloping planet in our solar system, CERN’s effects on increased interdimensional and demonic activity, or Israel being at the center of World War III, for the last few years, Daniel has raised his voice of warning regarding the approaching danger.

Economic Collapse 01Economic Collapse.  Are you prepared for the coming economic collapse and the next Great Depression?  A great storm is coming to America, and time is running out. But there is hope, and Michael Snyder has compiled a wealth of material to help you find it.

Daily Jot 01The Daily Jot.  Our mission is to equip and encourage believers to take a stand for Jesus by reporting and analyzing current events from a Biblical perspective.  we analyze a news event each day from a Biblical worldview and close with a Bible verse that suits the situation.  The “Jot” aims to encourage Christians to do what Christ commanded–preach the gospel to every creature–or to stand up and occupy by being the salt and light to this dark and dying world. 

Jerusalem Connection 01The Jerusalem Connection Report.  A non-profit organization whose mission is to inform, educate and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people and to serve as advocates for Christian Zionism.

Koenig World Watch 01Koenig World Watch Daily.  In Koenig International News you will be kept abreast of the key issues and people that you need to know about.  We offer a weekly news report, occasional news alerts, and many other interesting pages that cover international and national events of significance.  Our primary focus is on world news that is biblically relevant with a focus on Israel, the Middle East and the White House.

Watchman of Zion 01Watchman of Zion.  This is the blog of Eddie Chumney of Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int’l regarding the current status of the Middle East peace process and other prophetic events of the tribulation.

SAT-7 01SAT-7.  A broadcast ministry with the mission to provide the churches and Christians of the Middle East and North Africa an opportunity to witness to Jesus Christ through inspirational, informative, and educational television services.

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