Ministries to Those in Need

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Iraq Refugee Fund 01Iraq Refugee Fund. Bringing practical medical, social, emotional and spiritual help to refugees in Northern Iraq by unifying the efforts of local churches and international organizations. 

MOWCF 01Messianic Orphanage Widows and Childrens Foundation. MOWCF ministers to orphans, widows and children affected by war, providing self-help initiatives, relief, and assistance to orphans and war-affected children and widows by way of orphanages, foster homes/orphanage homes, vocational training and evangelism.

Passion Life 01PassionLife.  PassionLife is a global missions initiative training Christians and Christian communities to stand for life and provide pregnancy help intervention in the neediest places on earth—where abortion, infanticide and gendercide are especially concentrated.

SWSPK 01Shelter Welfare Society Pakistan.  SWS Pakistan is committed to help and assist Christians in the Islamic Republic Pakistan through provision of a safe house, SWS Children Centre, where these children can experience Christian love and commitment.  We aim to provide shelter for poor Christian and orphaned street children between 5 and 12 years of age, demonstrating and encouraging social skills and hygiene, and enabling them to bathe, rest, play, and wash their clothing.  At present time, 18 Girls and 17 Boys are being cared for in our school.

VETS 01V.E.T.S.  Through the new work of horses, Veterans Equine Training Services restores, empowers and releases America’s Veterans  and their families to lives of leadership and service to their communities.

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