SC National Shabbat Details!!

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Bney Yosef National Shabbat 01For friends in the Southeast, here is another opportunity to gather with brethren who are taking YHVH seriously about His promise to regather and restore the entire nation of Israel. For those who are not in the Southeast, here’s an opportunity to pray in support of this initiative, and to seek the Father’s guidance on what more we should be doing. The question before us is this: Are we really Abraham’s seed, or not (Galatians 3:29)? If not, then pay no further attention. But if so, then ponder the implications of being adopted into the same family that became the nation of Israel. Ask the Father to explain what that means in terms of inheritance and obligations, and how that impacts our relationship with our Jewish brethren and with the State of Israel.

Two Sticks Forming 01And while pondering all that, make your plans now for the first weekend of December to be either in Elgin, SC, for the South Carolina National Shabbat, or in Denton, TX, for the B’Ney Yosef Region 35 Conference!


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